How MikMak’s Headless Commerce API Gives Brands Full Control Over eCommerce Experiences


Headless Commerce, Brand Websites, shoppable media, Where To Buy Solutions

Want more control over your brand’s eCommerce shopping experience? MikMak’s Headless Commerce API could be just what you’re looking for. With this platform addition, brands can build and design custom website and/or shoppable media experiences, that are powered on the backend by best-in-class data, partnerships, and retail network. 

Interested in learning about how this groundbreaking technology works?

Here’s a look at MikMak’s Headless Commerce API, a platform enhancement that gives brands full control over shoppers’ experiences, including the ability to eliminate dead-end shopping experiences.

How does Headless Commerce differ from traditional eCommerce?

Traditional eCommerce marketing platforms usually connect their front and back ends. The front end of a site includes customer-facing items, such as buttons or branding. The back end is the structure that processes data behind the scenes.

In traditional platforms, these two parts of the site are fused. MikMak’s Headless Commerce upgrade separates the back-end and front-end functions, allowing you to create more custom and personalized content on the fly.

MikMak Headless CMS

How does MikMak’s Headless Commerce API work?

MikMak’s Headless Commerce API gives eCommerce marketers the power to quickly design, personalize, and customize both their eCommerce site and shoppable media. It enhances MikMak’s powerful commerce solution, which lets your eCommerce brand give shoppers a friction-free purchasing experience across the entire media mix and a chance to check out with the consumer’s favorite retailer.

Here are a few ways MikMak’s Headless Commerce API makes it easy for eCommerce brands to improve the buying experience:

  • Enhance the where-to-buy experience: This API connects brands to where-to-buy options that draw from our global retail network. That means your brand can avoid costly out-of-stock moments or other dead-end shopping experiences.
  • Customize the shopping experience: Your brand can use MikMak’s Headless Commerce API to create custom shoppable media ads or unique customer where-to-buy experiences on your brand’s customer site.
  • Promotes a more flexible design: With full front-end control, Headless Commerce makes it easy to stay in-line with your brand’s guidelines and craft customer experiences that fit your customers’ needs.
  • Make products more discoverable: MikMak’s Headless Commerce API is backed by our library of inventory data, shopping analytics system, and network of retail brands. That means your brand can clearly see consumer trends, make products more discoverable, and create friction-free shopping.

How MikMak’s Headless Commerce looks in action

MikMak’s Headless Commerce API doesn’t just give brands total control over the shopping experience. It’s also powered by MikMak’s sweeping retail network and in-depth shopping insights. That means eCommerce brands can use this enhancement to spot trends, understand shopping behaviors, and quickly enact an eCommerce marketing strategy. Ultimately, MikMak’s Headless Commerce API is designed for brand and marketing leaders who want even more control over their shopping experience, while relying on the same robust insights that are already giving MikMak eCommerce brands an edge.

Headless Commerce API 2024

Build the ultimate shopping experience for your eCommerce brand

Headless Commerce is just one of the newest upgrades to MikMak’s leading enablement and analytics platform. In addition to letting your brand design seamless shopping experiences and shoppable media, our dashboard lays out real-time marketing performance data. That means you can see consumer behaviors, identify what messages are connecting with customers, and locate high-ROI marketing opportunities.

Want to see how MikMak works? Schedule a demo today.

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