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Preparing for Prime Day 2024: Ways for eCommerce Brands to Accelerate Sales during July’s Retailer-Driven Shopping Occasions

 *Since this blog was published, Amazon has confirmed that Prime Day dates for 2024 are on July 16th & 17th. With July right around the corner, now is the time for brands to prep for Amazon Prime Day

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Utilizing October’s Prime Day to Prepare for Holiday eCommerce Success

Once a summer exclusive, Amazon Prime Day, and other competitor sales such as Target’s Deal Days and Walmart’s Deals for Days, now happen a second time in October, creating a window of opportunity...

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Preparing for Amazon Prime Day and Other Retailer-Driven Shopping Occasions

*Note: Since this blog post was written, Amazon Prime Day has officially been announced for July 11 and 12, 2023.

July is a vital time for eCommerce brands, especially because it is typically the...

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Key Findings from October 2022's Retailer Deal Days

This year, Target and Amazon celebrated another set of retailer driven shopping occasions, or “Deal Days.” Target advertised their deals as “bigger than ever” during the event, which happened from...

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Preparing for October Retailer Driven Shopping Occasions

Amazon recently announced its second Prime Day for the year, taking place October 11th & 12th. Likewise, Target is having a Deal Days event October 6th-8th. Given that this July’s Prime Day was the...

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