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MikMak Blog eComm Insights

Preparing for Amazon Prime Day and Other Retailer-Driven Shopping Occasions

*Note: Since this blog post was written, Amazon Prime Day has officially been announced for July 11 and 12, 2023.

July is a vital time for eCommerce brands, especially because it is typically the...

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Marketing Insights and Tips for Reaching Health-Conscious Grocery Shoppers

Healthy options are more widely available at major grocery stores than they once were. And it’s easy to see why; a Research and Markets Report estimates the global health and wellness foods market...

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From Social Commerce to Store Shelves: MikMak’s Key Learnings from GroceryShop 2022

Groceryshop 2022 took place September 19 - 22 and welcomed its largest ever audience of brand leaders, excited to be back in person and ready to learn from and alongside one another. 

The MikMak...

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Pandemic in Progress: Invention, Innovation, and Harnessing the Unexpected Magic of Momentum

Last week at ​The eCommerce & Digital Marketing Conference For Food & Beverage, Carolann McKay, MikMak’s VP of Customer Success & Strategic Development, moderated a Keynote Panel with industry...

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Retailer Linking Strategies to Action (and Landmines to Avoid) for CPG Brands

At MikMak, we believe in enabling consumers to choose where they want to shop, with a seamless path to purchase at any retailer they prefer. Our entire MikMak Commerce product, used every single day...

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