The best eCommerce insights for multichannel brands, presented by MikMak

MikMak Blog eComm Insights
omnichannel marketing

10 Reasons to Use a Where-to-Buy Solution on Your Brand’s Website

Most brands have a website, but many only showcase products, setting up a conversion dead-end. Additionally, a misconception exists around the idea that going Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) is the only...

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digital eCommerce strategy

Black Friday 2023: Insights into European Shopping Behavior and Trends

Black Friday has become a global shopping phenomenon, and in European countries like France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and Italy, consumers eagerly anticipate this annual shopping...

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digital eCommerce strategy

Parapharmacy Beauty and Health eCommerce: Unveiling Shopping Trends in France

In France, Parapharmacy products, encompassing non-prescription Health Care and Beauty items, have gained significant popularity. The convenience and accessibility of online shopping have made it...

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digital eCommerce strategy

Optimizing the Path to Purchase on Your Brand Website This Cold and Flu Season

The CDC estimates there will be 27-54 million flu-related illnesses in the US between October 2023 and April 2024. As households across the nation prep their medicine cabinets for the impending...

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digital eCommerce strategy

How to Use QR Codes to Power Your Multichannel Marketing Strategy

QR codes are resurging. According to Statista, 89 million consumers used QR codes last year, which is 18 percent more than just two years prior. As QR codes become more popular, brands are using...

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