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MikMak Blog eComm Insights

Preparing for Amazon Prime Day and Other Retailer-Driven Shopping Occasions

*Note: Since this blog post was written, Amazon Prime Day has officially been announced for July 11 and 12, 2023.

July is a vital time for eCommerce brands, especially because it is typically the...

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digital eCommerce strategy

eCommerce Marketing Insights Pinpoint Mother's Day Shopping Trends in France

Mother’s Day has long sparked huge sales figures in the U.S. Now, Mother’s Day shopping trends are growing rapidly globally, picking up steam in some European countries, including France.

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social platforms

How to Corner the EU Market with Your Social Commerce Strategy

Social commerce is growing in Europe. Research and Markets expects Europe’s social commerce industry to climb 36 percent annually from 2022 to 2028. Over that same period, social commerce gross...

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digital eCommerce strategy

What End-of-Year Insights Say About the State of Consumers in 2023

End-of-year shopping data is streaming in, and it’s already revealing clues about how consumers may buy in the upcoming year. 

That’s what Rachel Tipograph, CEO and Founder of MikMak, and Matt...

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4 eCommerce Marketing Tips to Strengthen Your Brands in the Cold & Flu Season

The CDC estimates that influenza was associated with 9 million illnesses in 2021-2022. Now, as flu and cold season is in full swing, consumers are on the lookout for Health and Wellness products....

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