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MikMak Blog eComm Insights

Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. Billie Hirsh with Kargo)

Although we are only days into September, we’re 10 weeks away from Black Friday, and 12 weeks away from peak holiday shopping. This year, MikMak and our partners are joining together for a 12 week...

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digital eCommerce strategy

How to Make TikTok Work for Your Holiday eCommerce Strategy

With viral product tutorials and rave reviews starting with ”TikTok made me buy it,” it was only a matter of time before the popular short-form video platform became an eCommerce rising star. In...

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How to Write Ad Copy That Will Resonate with Your Consumers

Ad copy is the foundation of any advertising campaign, online or not, so it’s crucial to choose messaging that inspires consumers to take the next step toward their purchase. Creating memorable,...

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ecommerce, “points of interruption”, and alcohol eCommerce with AB InBev’s Carolyn Brown

In the US, due to variations in laws and regulations around selling alcohol in different states, consumers have different levels of awareness for buying beer online. This presents unique...

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How Your Product Details Page Can Make or Break an eCommerce Campaign

Regardless of how shoppers get to your product details page, whether or not it shows them the information they are looking for can determine if they will proceed to add to cart. Today, 81 percent of...

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