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MikMak Blog eComm Insights

4 Industries Moving Product Discovery to the Digital Aisle

There are certain things that a brick and mortar store can take for granted. Physical storefronts have tried and true methods to bring shoppers into the store, direct them to products that they can...

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How Online Spirits Companies Can Adjust to eCommerce Acceleration

Historically, the adult beverage industry has been resilient during economic downturns, and that rings true here in the present. According to Nielson, online alcohol sales were up 243 percent as a...

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3 Things Your Digital Media Team is Getting Wrong

It’s no secret that the key to running a successful multichannel brand is assembling a digital media team that optimizes your creative, and media targeting and your channels to move consumers...

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How to Use Micro-Influencers to Drive Social Commerce

The influencer landscape has become extremely oversaturated, and early adopters of “influencer fame” now have amassed such large audiences that genuine engagement for them no longer exists. Brands...

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4 Industries that are Accelerating During Uncertain Times

The uncertainty of COVID-19 necessitated sudden changes that few have experienced before at scale. Social distancing policies impacted every aspect of every industry, causing volatility in consumer...

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