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MikMak Blog eComm Insights
Holiday Count Down

Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. SangHa Park with Pinterest)

What’s holiday shopping without researching gift ideas and making gift lists? If you find yourself doing either of the above this holiday season, there’s a good chance you’ll use Pinterest to do so....

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Holiday Count Down

Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. Mike Black with Profitero)

We’ve been hearing about potential disruptions in the supply chain and now it is reality. Inventory availability has fast become the top concern for brands and gift givers alike for Holiday 2021....

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Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. Dom Scarlett with Salsify)

A recent eMarketer report showed that 31 percent of US adults will start holiday shopping before the end of October. With Halloween soon behind us, these early shopping trends are taking form. For...

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Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. Matt Britton with Suzy)

After three weeks of industry forecasts for consumer demand this holiday season, it’s time to hear from the shoppers themselves. For the fourth week of Holiday Countdown, MikMak and Suzy bring to...

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Countdown to the Holidays with MikMak (ft. Sierra Reed with Whalar)

Over the last two weeks, we spoke with Kargo and Pacvue on best practices in preparation for the holiday shopping season. For the third week of MikMak’s 12-Week Holiday Countdown, we are bringing...

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