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product discovery

4 Ad Tips to Get Your Consumer Electronics Into Holiday Baskets

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up fast. This year, 60 percent of all shoppers find themselves preparing to spend as much or even more than last year for the holidays. Of all the popular...

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How Your Product Details Page Can Make or Break an eCommerce Campaign

Regardless of how shoppers get to your product details page, whether or not it shows them the information they are looking for can determine if they will proceed to add to cart. Today, 81 percent of...

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shopper marketing

The Importance of Comfort Brands During Lockdown

Despite the fact that vaccines have been released, the pandemic isn’t over. In fact, 2021 is starting with some of the highest numbers we’ve seen in the United States since the virus made landfall...

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shopper marketing

4 Shopping Habits We’ve Broken During COVID-19

The global eCommerce market has been growing rapidly over the last several years. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated that growth significantly, with the average U.S. retailer notching 68 percent...

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4 Industries Moving Product Discovery to the Digital Aisle

There are certain things that a brick and mortar store can take for granted. Physical storefronts have tried and true methods to bring shoppers into the store, direct them to products that they can...

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