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What's in Your Basket?: Why eGrocery is Becoming Sephora's Competitor

Believe it or not, health, beauty, and wellness products are the second-most purchased category when people shop for groceries online. It turns out that after consumers are done adding avocados and...

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shopper marketing

The Importance of Comfort Brands During Lockdown

Despite the fact that vaccines have been released, the pandemic isn’t over. In fact, 2021 is starting with some of the highest numbers we’ve seen in the United States since the virus made landfall...

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multichannel marketing

Why Your Attribution Data May Vary Across Channels

In a quest for perfection, many marketers let “perfect” be the enemy of good by overlooking the power of accurate data and chasing data precision instead. In an ideal world, your consumer data would...

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How Hard Seltzers Are Transforming the Spirits Industry

Hard seltzers have been a rapidly growing trend in the spirits industry. 

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Comparing the Shopping Habits of Gen Z’s and Millennials

Over the last decade, millennials shook up the retail industry and caused many brands to entirely rethink their eCommerce strategies. Today, millennials are in their 30s and 40s. In large part, they...

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