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consumer preference data

Drizly’s Last Call: Retailer Preference Shifts for the Future of Alcohol Brands

The time has come. Online Alcohol retailer Drizly is shutting down this week, roughly three years after Uber’s acquisition of the company. According to the retailer’s official website, all Drizly...

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Kicking Off Summer with Cinco De Mayo: eCommerce Alcohol Trends Your Brand Needs to Know

Cinco de Mayo is one of the largest drinking occasions of the year in the United States. Reports from IWSR suggest that Americans consume 126 million liters of tequila alone on Cinco de Mayo. For...

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What Alcohol Brands Can Expect for the NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl LVIII

While we’ve already shared our preliminary insights to help brands prepare for Super Bowl LVIII, a lot more is clear now. With the participating teams in the NFL playoffs now decided, brands can...

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Showing Some Love to Your Alcohol or Candy Brand’s Valentine’s Day Marketing Strategy

Between the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day, February is a big month for Alcohol and Candy brands. According to Statista, Americans are projected to spend 25.9 Billion dollars on Valentine’s Day...

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digital marketing

Analyzing Consumer Behavior to Improve Alcohol Marketing Effectiveness in Europe

In Europe, Alcohol prices rose by 9.8 percent over the past year. This may well have influenced European consumers to spend more on beverages to drink at home rather than going out to bars. There...

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