BIC UK leveraged MikMak Insights to create stronger audiences and drove improved performance and ROAS.

mikmak value
Improve Marketing Effectiveness
BIC UK Case Study MikMak

Higher Total Purchase Intent Rate using MikMak Audiences


Higher Purchase Intent Rate on Meta using MikMak Audiences


Increase in ROAS
(return on ad spend)


BIC UK was live on MikMak 3.0 but leveraging audiences that were built off of generic 1P data and that they needed to pay a premium CPM for.


BIC UK had a goal of increasing ad platform click through rates and wanted to optimize their targeting approach from an effectiveness and cost standpoint.


MikMak partnered with BIC’s PHD agency team to implement pixels* to MikMak landing pages and capture 1P data. They were able to leverage these MikMak Insights to create more in depth look-a-like audiences, that came at no extra cost.

This audience optimization drove an overall increase in Purchase Intent Rate and ROAS (return on ad spend) for the brand. 

*Pixels allow you to remarket to people who have visited a specific page of your site or who have taken a certain action on your site. Pixels are primarily used for tracking user actions, such as visits to a website, conversions from ads, or email open rates.


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