
After leveraging MikMak Commerce for Brand Website, Remy Martin UK expanded to Media and created halo effect on brand website attributable sales

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Remy Martin UK-EXP

Of Total Remy Attributable Sales came from Brand Website while Media had 88% of traffic during Media activation


Higher Attributable Sales on Brand Website during Media activation


Higher Attributable Sales at Amazon during Media activation


Remy Martin UK had been leveraging MikMak on their Brand Website throughout the duration of the MikMak partnership thus far. To align with the key holiday period and national campaign at the end of the year, the brand wanted to explore a Media pilot.


During this pilot, Remy Martin UK was looking to capture high intent shoppers and drive more onmnichannel traffic and sales.

“We are very pleased with the performance of this MikMak campaign which aimed both to create a seamless path to purchase for our shoppers whether their journey started organically via our brand website or via our Social Media campaigns, and to support our Retail partners by investing to drive high volumes of qualified traffic directly to their platforms, which ultimately resulted in significant incremental sales.”
Danielle Obbard
Senior E-Retail Manager, Remy Cointreau


Remy Martin expanded to Media and ran a campaign at the end of November. The Media activation ended up creating a massive halo effect on Brand Website sales. While Media drove an increase in traffic and accounted for 88% of total Remy Martin UK Commerce Loads, there was a 3.2x increase in Brand Website sales which accounted for 89% of total Remy Martin UK sales. Amazon was the Top Retailer and saw a 3.7x increase in sales during the time frame.


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