

In attributed sales from OOS products on the brand’s DTC site in the first 7 months


Conversion rate on Add to Carts at Target and Walmart


Of consumers prefer to shop at Target


Olly sells directly to consumers from their brand website. When products were out of stock, shoppers could elect to fill out a form located on the product detail page (PDP) that would alert them to inventory updates for when the product was back in stock. By the time inventory updates were communicated, shoppers had moved on and Olly had little insights into if they bought another Olly product, completed their purchase elsewhere, or switched to a competitor product.


Olly is looking to protect market share by enabling shoppers interested in out-of-stock products the ability to purchase these items from other retailers, through their website, all while retaining first-party shopper data.


Olly integrated MikMak Commerce Discover for Brand.com onto their website, allowing them to facilitate the sale of out-of-stock products on their website through third-party retailers. When shoppers come across an outof-stock product, instead of an “add to cart” button they will see a “where to buy” button that loads MikMak Commerce Discover showing online and in-store purchase options based on the shopper’s geo-location.

This also allows Olly to capture first-party data on the shoppers interacting with out-of-stock products, providing Olly with valuable insights into the performance of enabling sales on out-of-stock items and the shopping preferences of their consumers.

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