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“Unleashing” Valentine’s Day's Newest Trend: Gifts for Your Pets

The long-standing tradition of giving gifts to the people you love on Valentine’s Day is nothing new, but for many, that doesn’t stop at just significant others. According to the National Retail...

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What Alcohol Brands Need to Know to Score Big with Football Fans Before Super Bowl LVII

Regardless of who makes it to the Super Bowl this year, one thing is for sure, American Football fans will be drinking on (and leading up to) Super Bowl LVII on February 12th. Americans spend $1.3...

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digital marketing

How to Engage Pet Owners with Your eCommerce Strategy

According to the American Pet Products Association, 70 percent of U.S. households own pets—adding up to 90.5 million homes. With pet owners making up such a large portion of the market, brands...

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digital eCommerce strategy

What End-of-Year Insights Say About the State of Consumers in 2023

End-of-year shopping data is streaming in, and it’s already revealing clues about how consumers may buy in the upcoming year. 

That’s what Rachel Tipograph, CEO and Founder of MikMak, and Matt...

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digital marketing

Top 5 eCommerce and Marketing Trends of 2022 According to the BRAVE COMMERCE Podcast

The BRAVE COMMERCE episodes released in 2022 tell the story of an economy in transition.

2021 brought with it “The Great Resignation” and a Supply Chain Crisis, both of which carried over to impact...

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